We represent clients in criminal healthcare investigations and prosecutions throughout the country. Firm clients have included clinics, laboratories, pharmacies, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, doctors, and high-level executives. The matters involve a broad spectrum of issues and statutes, including the Anti-Kickback Statute, the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act, Medicare and Medicaid fraud statutes, and civil qui tam and False Claims Act litigation.
Our Experience is Invaluable
The firm has a long and successful track record of defending clients in investigations and prosecutions. Our size allows us to focus on individual cases in ways few other firms can. We have deep experience as former prosecutors and as long-time white collar defense attorneys, which gives us insight into the government’s investigative steps and prosecutive approach. We understand how important each case is and aggressively pursue the best outcome at every step.
Criminal and Civil Risk
Healthcare fraud accusations raise the risk of both criminal prosecutions and civil lawsuits. The government routinely pursues parallel approaches: criminal charges and civil actions with steep monetary sanctions. We develop strategies which take these dual risks into account.